
Disclosures based on TCFD recommendations

Recognizing protection of the global environment as an important topic for all humanity, Kamigumi strives to minimize its environmental impact through business activities that account for the environment. Kamigumi seeks to achieve harmony between its business activities and environmental conservation.
We support the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), a task force established in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB). We analyze and assess the risks presented by climate change to financial markets and disclose information in accordance with the recommendations of the TCFD: governance, risk management, strategy, and indicators and targets.



Kamigumi has established a Sustainability Committee, for which the President & Representative Director serves as chair, to consider and make decisions on matters related to climate change. The Sustainability Committee considers and makes decisions on related policies and measures, and reports or refers them as necessary to the Board of Directors for consideration. This Committee also manages progress and results related to the Company's materiality items, including decarbonization targets, reports to the Board of Directors at least twice a year on the need for improvements and related issues, and drafts necessary measures.


Risk management

In addition to various risks such as disaster risk, information risk, employment and personnel risk, the Group has also established Risk Management Rules for environmental risks, and regularly holds the Compliance and Risk Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as Committee) to manage, improve and strengthen risks. This committee is chaired by the President, and consists of the head office managers as members.
In addition, we have set up a Risk Management Department as a permanent department, and there are ten people who specialize in safety, customs clearance, and quality, three of whom are in the operation secretariat of the Committee.
The Sustainability Committee plays a central role in Kamigumi's efforts to identify risks and opportunities related to climate change over the medium to long term based on both the 2℃ and 4℃ scenarios.
The Sustainability Committee periodically reassesses risks and opportunities thus identified and reports on or submits them for consideration to the Board of Directors at least once a year.


Kamigumi has analyzed the potential financial and business impact of climate change risks and opportunities over the medium to long term based on various parameters, envisioning a 2℃ scenario (under which strong countermeasures to climate change keep the temperature rise since prior to the Industrial Revolution within 0.9-2.3℃) and a 4℃ scenario (under which no further countermeasures to climate change are taken and the temperature rise since prior to the Industrial Revolution is 3.2-5.4℃).


Indicators and targets

Reducing emissions of CO2 (a greenhouse gas)

Amid the accelerated global movement toward a carbon-zero society, the Japanese government has identified CO2 reduction targets as part of efforts to achieve carbon neutrality.
Together with the government targets, Kamigumi has identified the medium-term target to be achieved by FY2030 of reducing CO2 emissions (domestic Scope 1 + Scope 2 emissions) by 46% vs. 2013 levels.
We will continue to consider long-term targets (FY2050) from the perspective of efficacy, reflecting the understanding that achieving carbon neutrality is a global goal.

Indicators and targets